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onsdag 6 november 2019

KLHL25(ENC-2) ja ATP:sitraattilyaasi ACLY

 Kelch- superperheen proteiini KLHL25 toimii adaptorina kun CUL3  johtaa ATP:sitraattilyaasia proteosomisilppuriin. 

Entä miten nämä toimivat aivossa?
Aivossa tarvitaan  jatkuvaa rasva-aine ja kolesterolisynteesiä, koska aivo on  rasvamoduli, koostunut hyvin monimutkaisista j monipuolisista lipidiaineista.  Lisäksi neuronit tarvitsevat AcetylCoaa  muodostamaan hermonvälittäjäainetta asetylkoliinia kolinergisessä järjestelmässä. Se toimii eräänlaisena clearing-tekijänä   hermoissa ja  varsinkin tahdonalaisessa ajattelussa ja toiminnassa se on tärkeä.   hermorata. Löytyykö jotain konkreettista karttaa  sitraatista, kelch-proteiinifunktiosta,  ja yhteydestä muihin  elementaarisiin etikkahapon ja sitruunahapon tasoa kuvaaviin kaavoihin?

Cullin3KLHL25 ubiquitin ligase targetsACLY for degradation to inhibit lipidsynthesis and tumor progression

 Cen Zhang,1,4Juan Liu,1,4Grace Huang,2Yuhan Zhao,1Xuetian Yue,1Hao Wu,1Jun Li,1Junlan Zhu,2Zhiyuan Shen,1Bruce G. Haffty,1Wenwei Hu,1and Zhaohui Feng1,31Department of Radiation Oncology, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Rutgers University, The State Universityof New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903, USA;2Nelson Institute of Environmental Medicine, New York UniversitySchool of Medicine, New York University, Tuxedo, New Jersey 10987, USA;3Department of Pharmacology, Rutgers University,The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854, USA

 Increased lipid synthesis is a key characteristic of many cancers that is critical for cancer progression. ATP-citratelyase (ACLY), a key enzyme for lipid synthesis, is frequently overexpressed or activated in cancer to promote lipidsynthesis and tumor progression. Cullin3 (CUL3), a core protein for the CUL3RING ubiquitin ligase complex, has been reported to be a tumor suppressor and frequently down-regulated in lung cancer. Here, we found that CUL3interacts with ACLY through its adaptor protein, KLHL25 (Kelch-like family member 25), to ubiquitinate anddegrade ACLY in cells. Through negative regulation of ACLY, CUL3 inhibits lipid synthesis, cell proliferation,and xenograft tumor growth of lung cancer cells. Furthermore, ACLY inhibitor SB-204990 greatly abolishes thepromoting effect of CUL3 down-regulation on lipid synthesis, cell proliferation, and tumor growth. Importantly, lowCUL3 expression is associated with high ACLY expression and poor prognosis in human lung cancer. In summary,our results identify CUL3KLHL25 ubiquitin ligase as a novel negative regulator for ACLY and lipid synthesis anddemonstrate that decreased CUL3 expression is an important mechanism for increased ACLY expression and lipidsynthesis in lung cancer. These results also reveal that negative regulation of ACLY and lipid synthesis is a novel andcritical mechanism for CUL3 in tumor suppression.[Keywords: CUL3; ACLY; KLHL25; ubiquitination; lipid synthesis; tumor 

 Image result for citrate synthase,  citrate lyase


SIRT3 have been found to be neuroprotective in many neurological diseases, but its detail mechanism is only partially understood. In this study, MPP+ was used to treat SH-SY5Y cells as the cellular model of PD to test the role of SIRT3 and the mechanism may be involved in. We focused on the changes and relationship between SIRT3 and the key mitochondrial enzymes citrate synthase (CS) and isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2). We found MPP+ decreased SIRT3 expression. And our results showed that the enzymatic activities of CS and IDH2 were significantly reduced in MPP+ treatment cells, while protein acetylation of CS and IDH2 increased. However overexpressed-SIRT3 partially reversed at least, the decline of CS activity and the increase of CS protein acetylation. IDH2 did not showed the same changes. The study suggested that SIRT3 deacetylated and activated CS activity. Hence, we conclude that SIRT3 exhibits neuroprotection via deacetylating and increasing mitochondrial enzyme activities.
Deacetylation; Enzyme activity; Mitochondria; Neuroprotection; Parkinson disease; SIRT3



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