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måndag 22 oktober 2012

Multimodaalinen integraatio


Neuroreport. 2002 May 7;13(6):779-83.

Spatial coincidence modulates interaction between visual and somatosensory evoked potentials.


Institute of Physiology, Medical University Lübeck, 23538 Lübeck, Germany.


The time course of interaction between concurrently applied visual and somatosensory stimulation with respect to evoked potentials (EPs) was studied. Visual stimuli, either in the left or right hemifield, and electric stimuli to the left wrist were delivered either alone or simultaneously. Visual and somatosensory EPs were summed and compared to bimodal EPs (BiEP, response to actual combination of both modalities). Temporal coincidence of stimuli lead to sub-additive or over-additive amplitudes in BiEPs in several time windows between 75 and 275 ms. Additional effects of spatial coincidence (left wrist with left hemifield) were found between 75 and 300 ms and beyond 450 ms. These interaction effects hint at a temporo-spatial pattern of multiple brain areas participating in the process of multimodal integration.

Olen nyt asettanut joitain  artikkeleita, jotka valaisevat aivojen keräämän muistiaineksen kertymistä ja  kronologisoitumista. Puu kasvaa ja tekee vuosirenkaita. Aivojen neuronaalinen kronobiologia tekee  muistijälkeä, jotka  multimodaalisesti  integroidaan ja vahvistetaan ja päivitetään monen aistiradan antaman informaation kautta ja tämän takia ihminen on jatkumossa: kokee elämänsä olevan  jatkumoa, ympäristönsä oelvan tilavuutta, jolla on jatkuvia omianisuuksia jne. 
Näyttää olevan  muuten aivan aktuellina aiheenakin PubMed artikkeleissa tuo timing kaikin tavoin.

Jos tämä funktio,  multifunktionaalinen jatkuvuus katkeaisi,  ihminen ei tulisi toimeen yhteiskunnassa eikä edes kotonaan, koska hän voisi unohtaa hetkestä toiseen kaiken olennaisen olemassaolon. 
Tämän takia tiedemiehet  selvittävät miten  muistijälki koostuu ja mitkä tekijät sitä vahvistavat  ja integroivat. Tietyisti  vanha hyvä neuvo on: kertaus on opintojen äiti.  Samanaikainen näkö  ja kuulohavainto vahvsitaa  havaintoa. Samoin  asian  sanominen ääneen tai jopa  laulaminen- jos asiaan sopii, vahvsitavat kaksin kerroin  jotain  integroitavaa. Samoin  objektin koskettaminen kådellä( hahmottaminen) tai esim  jonkin tekstin kirjoittaminen tuo myös lisää muistifunktiota.
Tässä voi sitten  pohtia , mitä merkitsee että nykyään tuskin kirjoitetaan kynällä, vaan sen sijaan naptutetaan tangenteilla   tekstiä.  Tietysti muistijälkeä tulee  tangentin naputtamisesta, kuten  viulunsoittamisesta  tai pianon soittamisesta.Kaikilla näillä erilaisilla funktioilla on jokin projektinsa aivoissa,  tapahtuu multimodaalista integroitumista.
Myöhemmin suomennan  näitä muistiin ottamiani artikkeleita.
Ihminen ei voi ladata muistia kuten puu puuainesta, vaan ihmisen muistiaines pitää kuitenkin  kerätä aivojen volyymiin paakoppaan, joten siellä täytyy olla hyvä aineenvaihdunta, jotta ollenaiset ja vitaalit  asiat ja henkilön  itsensä tärkeiksi  printaamat  asiat valiutuvat ja epäolennaiset  komprimoidaan biologisesti  tai poistetaan aineenvaihdunnalla.Muistissa toimii proteiinit.

Laulaminen ja puhuminen

Neuroreport. 2000 Jun 26;11(9):1997-2000.

Opposite hemispheric lateralization effects during speaking and singing at motor cortex, insula and cerebellum.


Department of Neuroradiology, University of Tuebingen, Germany.


Aside from spoken language, singing represents a second mode of acoustic (auditory-vocal) communication in humans. As a new aspect of brain lateralization, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) revealed two complementary cerebral networks subserving singing and speaking. Reproduction of a non-lyrical tune elicited activation predominantly in the right motor cortex, the right anterior insula, and the left cerebellum whereas the opposite response pattern emerged during a speech task. In contrast to the hemodynamic responses within motor cortex and cerebellum, activation of the intrasylvian cortex turned out to be bound to overt task performance. These findings corroborate the assumption that the left insula supports the coordination of speech articulation. Similarly, the right insula might mediate temporo-spatial control of vocal tract musculature during overt singing. Both speech and melody production require the integration of sound structure or tonal patterns, respectively, with a speaker's emotions and attitudes. Considering the widespread interconnections with premotor cortex and limbic structures, the insula is especially suited for this task.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Näkö ja kuulohavaintojen integraatio lapsesta aikuiseen

Front Integr Neurosci. 2012;6:77. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2012.00077. Epub 2012 Sep 17.

Development of visuo-auditory integration in space and time.


Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Genoa, Italy.


Adults integrate multisensory information optimally (e.g., Ernst and Banks, 2002) while children do not integrate multisensory visual-haptic cues until 8-10 years of age (e.g., Gori et al., 2008). Before that age strong unisensory dominance occurs for size and orientation visual-haptic judgments, possibly reflecting a process of cross-sensory calibration between modalities. It is widely recognized that audition dominates time perception, while vision dominates space perception. Within the framework of the cross-sensory calibration hypothesis, we investigate visual-auditory integration in both space and time with child-friendly spatial and temporal bisection tasks. Unimodal and bimodal (conflictual and not) audio-visual thresholds and PSEs were measured and compared with the Bayesian predictions. In the temporal domain, we found that both in children and adults, audition dominates the bimodal visuo-auditory task both in perceived time and precision thresholds. On the contrary, in the visual-auditory spatial task, children younger than 12 years of age show clear visual dominance (for PSEs), and bimodal thresholds higher than the Bayesian prediction. Only in the adult group did bimodal thresholds become optimal. In agreement with previous studies, our results suggest that also visual-auditory adult-like behavior develops late. We suggest that the visual dominance for space and the auditory dominance for time could reflect a cross-sensory comparison of vision in the spatial visuo-audio task and a cross-sensory comparison of audition in the temporal visuo-audio task.

Astrosyytti ja neuroni. Glutamaatti synapsissa.


Front Comput Neurosci. 2012;6:70. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2012.00070. Epub 2012 Oct 1.

A computational model to investigate astrocytic glutamate uptake influence on synaptic transmission and neuronal spiking.


Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA, USA.


Over the past decades, our view of astrocytes has switched from passive support cells to active processing elements in the brain. The current view is that astrocytes shape neuronal communication and also play an important role in many neurodegenerative diseases. Despite the growing awareness of the importance of astrocytes, the exact mechanisms underlying neuron-astrocyte communication and the physiological consequences of astrocytic-neuronal interactions remain largely unclear. In this work, we define a modeling framework that will permit to address unanswered questions regarding the role of astrocytes. Our computational model of a detailed glutamatergic synapse facilitates the analysis of neural system responses to various stimuli and conditions that are otherwise difficult to obtain experimentally, in particular the readouts at the sub-cellular level. In this paper, we extend a detailed glutamatergic synaptic model, to include astrocytic glutamate transporters. We demonstrate how these glial transporters, responsible for the majority of glutamate uptake, modulate synaptic transmission mediated by ionotropic AMPA and NMDA receptors at glutamatergic synapses. Furthermore, we investigate how these local signaling effects at the synaptic level are translated into varying spatio-temporal patterns of neuron firing. Paired pulse stimulation results reveal that the effect of astrocytic glutamate uptake is more apparent when the input inter-spike interval is sufficiently long to allow the receptors to recover from desensitization. These results suggest an important functional role of astrocytes in spike timing dependent processes and demand further investigation of the molecular basis of certain neurological diseases specifically related to alterations in astrocytic glutamate uptake, such as epilepsy.


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