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fredag 2 september 2011

Likvorin histamiini ja telenkefalon-metylhistamiinipitoisuudet narkolepsiassa

Anal Biochem. 2011 Feb 1;409(1):28-36. Epub 2010 Oct 7. Histamine and tele-methylhistamine quantification in cerebrospinal fluid from narcoleptic subjects by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with precolumn derivatization.


Bioprojet Biotech, Saint Grégoire 35762, France.

Abstract ( Suomennos)

An ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC™-MS/MS) assay was developed for the simultaneous analysis of histamine, its major metabolite tele-methylhistamine, and an internal standard (N-tele-(R)-α-dimethylhistamine) from human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples.

Tutkijat katsoivat narkoleptikoilta ja terveiltä kontrolleilta aivoselkäydinnesteen histamiinin , sen päämetaboliitin- tele-metyylihistamiinin ja N-tele(R) alfa-dimetyylihistamiinin pitoisuudet.

The method involves derivatization of primary amines with 4-bromobenzenesulfonyl chloride and subsequent analysis by reversed phase liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry detection and positive electrospray ionization.

Metodi käsittää primääriaminien derivatisoitumista.

The separation of derivatized biogenic amines was achieved within 3.5 min on an Acquity® BEH C(18) column by elution with a linear gradient of acetonitrile/water/formic acid (0.1%). The assay was linear in the concentration range of 50-5000 pM for each amine (5.5-555 pg/ml for histamine and 6.25-625 pg/ml for tele-methylhistamine). For repeatability and precision determination, coefficients of variation (CVs) were less than 11.0% over the tested concentration ranges, within acceptance criteria. Thus, the developed method provides the rapid, easy, highly sensitive, and selective requirement to quantify these amines in human CSF.

No significant difference was found in the mean ± standard error levels of these amines between a group of narcoleptic patients (histamine=392 ± 64 pM, tele-methylhistamine=2431 ± 461 pM, n=7) and of neurological control subjects (histamine=402 ± 72 pM, tele-methylhistamine=2209 ± 463 pM, n=32).

Ei havaittu mitään merkitsevää eroa narkoleptikoitten ja terveiden kontrolleitten histamiini- ja tele-metyylihistamiinipitoisuuksissa.

( Oma kommentti, olisiko sitenkin havaittavissa eräs trendi: narkolepsiaryhmässä histamiinipitoisuus oli hieman alempi ja sen aivoaluemetaboliittia oli hieman enemmän, muta tosiaan erot ovat häivähtävän pienet. Siis histamiinin aineenvaihdunnan puolelta ei selittyisi narkolepsia ainakaan tämän kirjoituksen mukaan.)


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