The balanced activities of tyrosine kinases (= fosforylases) and tyrosine phosphatases dynamically regulate the steady-state levels of tyrosine phosphorylation of key proteins essential for many important cellular functions.
The regulated disruption of this balance through growth factor and/or cytokine-activated receptor-transduced signals is an important mechanism of signal transduction but, when deregulated, is a mechanism frequently underlying different diseases and a major feature in the pathogenesis of many human malignancies (1).
An important gap, however, is in understanding the mechanism of how different pathways and systems are coordinated to initiate the many different cellular functions required for normal cellular homeostasis, proliferation, and differentiation of cells.
(Kommenttini: Pleiotrofiinin osuus tämän fundamentaalisen fosforylaation eöi fosfaatin lisäämisen ja fosfaatin poistamisen tasapainon säätelyssä keskiössä! Artikkeli vuodelta 2006 taustana: )
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